

  Atom  Derived from Greek word atomas means indivisble  Its basic building block of all matters Consitss of 3 particles : Proton, electron and neutron Proton : positive charged particle Electron : negative charged particle Neutron : Neutral particle                     ATOMIC STRUCTURES Structure of atom is replica of our solar system. In solar system sun is present at the center and all the planets revolve around sun in elliptical orbit. Similary atom has a nucleus at centre where as the negative charged particle known as electron revolve around atom in elliptical orbit. Nuclues consits of positive charged paticle proton and neutral charge particle neutrom ATOMIC NUMBER Atomic number represents number of protons in an atom. Atomic number of hydrogen is 1(nucleus has 1 proton). Atomic number of helium is 2(nucleus has 2 proton). Number of electrons and protons will equal in an atom, make it neutral ORBIT SHELL ENERGY LEVEL The path at which an electron revolves is known as orbit or sh